The time has come for the next adventure run – the rules are simple (1) no training (2) don’t be last (3) don’t over plan.

This is endurance adventure #4.  First was PDX – Multnomah Falls, second was the Forrest Park 50k, 3rd (and the most epic) was Zig Zag to Columbia Gorge so next up is the Oregon Coast Trail and some old growth.


Drive from Portland (or your home town) to Cape Perpetual visitor center.


The visitor center will be our launching point.  We’ll need to figure out a car shuttle so we can run from there up to Waldport without having to circle back.

7am, Saturday October 22nd, 2016 – We Run!  Unless of course we don’t get quorum, then we’ll change the date, or try again next year.

  1. From the visitor center, head out on the Discovery Loop trail .75 Miles
  2. Connect with Cooks Ridge Trail for 1.5 miles straight up
  3. Continue on Cooks Ridge for another 1.25 miles (unknown but looks flatter)
  4. Take a right on Cummings Creek Trail for .5 miles
  5. Take a right on Cummings Creek Loop Trail for 1.5 miles
  6. A the merger, continue on Cummins Creek Trail for another 1.55 miles
  7. Take a right on the Pacific Ocean Trail for .25 miles
  8. Continue straight at the junction for 1.0 miles
  9. Take a left and cross under the highway to run Captain Cooks trail past Thors well
  10. Take a photo at the spout
  11. Return to the visitor center – take a break, have a morning beer
  12. Optional for the hard core folks – 2 mile out and back to see the 400 year old spruce
  13. From the visitor center head up the St. Perpetual Trail (straight up climb to the top of the mountain to the lookout) – about 1.5 miles
  14. Follow the signs to Amanda’s trail – 3.7 miles
  15. Follow the signs to Oregon Coast Trail North
  16. Take a right the 804 trail 2 miles through the town of Yachats
  17. Continue on to the beach and run north for 7 miles toward Waldport (need to do this at low tide)
  18. Finish @ Waldport – need to pick a spot

I think this is roughly 25.5 miles give or take a few.  That means we can add a little bit more and it will be an official marathon.  Not quite as ambitious as the 50k but we’re all a year older.


We will plan an afternoon and evening of beverages, food and relaxing after the finish.

Who’s in?