This future adventure is part of the category “Endurance Feats” such as hike to Multnomah Falls, no train 50K and Zig Zag to the Gorge endurance run.  Here are the details.

Oswego Lake is a man made lake in the city of Lake Oswego.  It is a 395 acre private lake.  The Lake Oswego Corporation claims ownership along with the right to restrict access, the actual lake itself (the water) is considered public property.  According to Wikipedia, in recent years the lake has experienced explosive algae growth due to chemical runoff from lawn fertilizer.  We assume the algae turns all the harmful chemicals into skin-soothing, non-toxic water for our swim.  Like bathing in Epsom salts.


May 2019


Team members arrive at TBD restaurant for a hearty pre-swim breakfast and coffee.  TBD transportation arrives to take “athletes” to starting point.  Lake Grove Swim Park will be the official starting point.

Swimmers change into speedo’s, 1920’s swim suits or buoyant wet suits (recommended) and assemble at the dock.  Ideas for attire

At 9am, a starters pistol, or a someone saying “go” will start the event.  Swimmers will then swim along the south shore past Twin Points, around Jantzen Island and toward Lakewood bay.  The finish and celebration of athletic endurance will be held at Stickman Brewing company.  40 N State Street, Lake Oswego.  Given the unknown duration, we will assume a 4pm finish and start of the after event festivities.

We will arrange for safety kayaks, a ski boat, possibly some stand up paddle boarders to accompany athletes as they swim their way the length of the lake.  Nate and I realize it might just be the two of us and are prepared for this inevitable sad scenario.

We don’t know how long this event will take so be prepared for all day.  Assuming we will be out of shape and not having practiced swimming, we should expect extreme hardships and high chance of failure.  Nate is a experienced paramedic and Eric a hypochondriac so we have medical needs covered.

While we hope to swim the entire distance, if we get tired after a few minutes, we can always rest on the boat, do some water skiing and then get dropped off at the finish.


As with previous events, there is no official event, registration or entry fee.


Given our non-celebrity status, we expect no media coverage other than our self-promoting bragging social media posts.  Use hashtag #swimoswegolake for all social media posts.  While we have not contacted Redbull, we anticipate they will learn of this event and likely feature us in their marketing video’s.  Alternatively we may be featured in the next People are Amazing video.